Enterprise Property Management Software : About MultiSite Systems

MultiSite Systems,LLC is based in Jamestown, North Carolina. Our company began in 1995 as a partnership with a large property management company in Greensboro, North Carolina. In 2005 MultiSite has gained the shares of that management company and are independently owned and operated in Jamestown, NC.

We knew we needed software that could manage multi-family, conventional, Affordable Housing, Rural Development RD515, HUD Section 8, diverse Tax Credit, HOI and commercial properties. We designed our product from the ground up to manage the broad spectrum of properties in their diverse portfolio.

Our product started as a central management tool. The central office performed the AP, Cash Management, GL and Tenant account receivables while the sites kept the properties maintained and occupied. This style of management provides many economies of scale that make it attractive for larger companies. Training of site personnel is also easier because site managers are not required to learn property management software or become part-time accountants.

However, as MultiSite Systems grew, customer demand transformed MultiSite into a site based management solution, as well. Today, our system is a flexible tool that can manage a diversity of properties, from sites to a companies central managed office. In response to your needs, we have adapted it to almost any combination of site based and central management styles.


Our mission is to provide our customers the good service they deserve. We appreciate our customers and will never be like our competitors who have so many issues with their software that they cannot handle their large volume of customer complaints or simply have forgotton, or do not care, about customer service. MultiSite will provide stable property management software with impeccable customer service.

At MultiSite Systems, fast, friendly service is our hallmark. Many Application Service Providers claim to emphasize customer service; but at MultiSite Systems , it is our top priority. We understand that your success as an organization and your satisfaction with our product depend on fast, responsive service.


Although we offer MultiSite user licenses to companies that have their own servers, we have also become an Application Service Provider because we know that the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and managing complex hardware and software has become a drain on management companies resources.

We believe that, overtime, virtual workplaces will become de facto, and managers will use Web portals to perform their jobs. In this way, virtual workplaces will become the primary interface for cross-company collaboration and communication, transforming companies into virtual organizations that are linked to customers, suppliers and partners via the Internet.

MultiSite Systems , LLC is proud to be a part of this emerging transition in business, providing our customers with a virtual launch pad for transacting business over the Internet and relieving them of the burdens associated with hardware and software management.