Affordable Housing Software : HUD Section 8 Software
iMAX (Integrated Multifamily Access eXchange) and 2.02D and 2.03A compliant. See iMAX slide show.
- - Our 50059 data entry form has superior integrated rule checking.
- - Data Entry of 50059 is on one WYSIWYG screen. Visually see 59 results immediately on screen in real time.
- - HUD Section 8, 202, 236, RAP-PAC, BMIR, Rent Supp, HOME
- - Public Housing Units, HOPE VI
- - New Special Claims rules implemented
- - Applicants and waiting list and Pre-Certs
- - Multiple HUD contracts per property
- - Multiple Programs and HUD mixtures without creating a new software property to manage. Example: Property with HUD Sec 8 and Tax Credit and RD and Market and Enhanced Vouchers, Portable Vouchers and Commercial Units all setup on same property.
- - Integrated Work Order/Maintenance & Inventory features track Appliance serial numbers and disposals.
Key Features
- The HUD Industry Interface is iMAX and 202D and 203A compliant.
- Integrated with the Tenant, LIHTC, RD, PH, Site, Accounts Payable, Maintenance and General Ledger / Financial Reporting modules.
- Data entry in a single HUD validating form helps you comply with HUD regulations on screen.
- Tenant and Voucher submission via iMAX, very easy interface.
- View records by Tenant Search, Site Summary, Certification History of Tenant, or New Move - ins.
- Actions include Add / Edit Certification, Move - In, Transmit Certs, Check Mail, and Edit Cert and all other HUD Cert Actions.
- View Certifications by Un-Transmitted, Transmited, or 2B Transmitted.
- Automatic Gross Rent Changes.
- Automatic 3560-8 certification building and transmitting to Rural Development for properties that report to Rural Development.
- Automatic Tax Credit qualification and reporting for Tax Credit Sites.
- Hud Section 8 Software.
To see how user-friendly all our modules are Contact Us
contact us for a product demonstration.
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