Status Code Status/Error Description Clarification/Corrective Actions for Errors
200 Success No corrective action is necessary
300 Missing Files System did not find an uploaded file. Please upload the file again
400 Authentication of iMAX User ID and Password Failed To verify the iMAX ID (TRACMXXXXX) and password, please contact the Multifamily Help Desk at 1-800-767-7588.
401 Authentication of WASS User ID and Password Failed For assistance with WASS IDs (for example, M55551) issues, please contact the REAC TAC at 1-888-245-4860.
403 (Forbidden). The WASS ID is not in the imaxuser LDAP group. If you are WASS user, verify that your WASS ID (for example, M55551) has the iMAX role assigned. If you are a WASS Coordinator, make sure the iMAX action and iMAX roles are assigned. If not, have the role and/or action assigned. You will be added to the group within 24–48 hours.
405 LDAP Communication Error–System unavailable System is currently unavailable. Please retry later.
500 Internal System Error–System unavailable System is currently unavailable. Please retry later.
600 No Message Found in outbox System found no messages in the sent to others outbox. No corrective action is necessary.
601 No Message Found in inbox System found no messages in the received from others inbox. No corrective action is necessary.
602 No Results Found System found no response files from TRACS for the specified period. No corrective action is necessary.
603 No Requests Found System found no request files from the TRACS for processing. No corrective action is necessary.
604 No Broadcast Message System found no Broadcast Messages. No corrective action is necessary.

MultiSite Systems, property management software (888) 409-5393

Puerto Rico call (787) 225-9798
